19 mayo 2020


 Vamos a repasar las partes del cuerpo pero también vamos a movernos un poco. Antes de darle al play dibujaremos un círculo o pondremos algo en el medio para hacer lo que nos dice la canción.

- Jump around the circle and stop (salta alrededor del círculo y para)
- Touch your….(tócate tu.....)
- Walk (andar)
- Hop (pata coja)
- Skip (saltitos)
- Shake (agitar)
- Swim (nadar)
- Fly (volar)
- Run (correr)
- Sit down (sentarse)

Hoy vamos a seguir con la descripción de nuestro cuerpo. Vamos a empezar a trabajar la estructura gramatical:
"I have got……./ I haven't got ……." (Yo tengo...…/ Yo no tengo.....)
ACTIVITY: Write 1, 2 or 3.(Escribe 1, 2 o 3)
1. I have got three eyes.
2. I have got five legs.
3. I have got one yellow nose.
4. I have got two feet.
5. I have got hair.
6. I have got three arms.
7. I have got three hands.
8. I have got twelve fingers.
9. I have got six tous.
10. I have got one green head.
ACTIVITY: Look at the monster and write TRUE or FALSE (Verdadero o falso)
1. I have got one nose
2. I have got four hands
3. I have got eight eyes.
4. I have got red hair.
5. I haven't got one mouth.
6. I haven't got ten fingers.
7. I have got  four feet.
Recordad que la clase de 1º A me lo debe mandar al correo: vcastanomiguel@educa.jcyl.es